2024 Compliance and Ethics Week Interactive Session

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Further Insights

The next Compliance and Ethics (C&E) Week interactive session will take place in November 2025.

This year's University Compliance Services' annual C&E Week interactive session took place on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 11 a.m. via Zoom. Facilitated by Maria Sevilla, Title IX Coordinator, the session covered the importance of cultivating appropriate relationships and proactive communication in the workplace.


Compliance and Ethics Week's purpose is to raise awareness of compliance and risk related topics, recognize ethical behavior, and reinforce values and behaviors for building a better U. The University has available resources for confidentially reporting sexual misconduct, including an online form, or in-person support through one of UM's Title IX Coordinators. You may also anonymously report allegations related to these issues through the University Hotline. If you have any questions, please email: ucs@miami.edu.